skip cerite kat giant . panjang sangat cerite eh :Ddah sampai rumah , overexcited ni dapat wifi sekali set dengan broadband nie . ambik laptop , cucuk broadband ni sebab nak install . dah install semue , tibe tibe secare automatik die dah connected sendiri . hew heww . kate dalam satu jam setengah hingga dua jam . HAHA . bangge dapat install sendiri tanpe kakak EP . al maklum lah , sebelum ni akak EP , si Tehuzz tu yang buat . EP tolong menjauhkan diri je sebab EP tak amik tau hal hal semue nie . lepas tu , cube connect wifi tuh pulak . dah masukkan password yang panjang lebar tu , terus dapat connect . laju pon laju . HAHA , suka sangat . :) . EP lah yang rasmikan bende tu semue ^_____^ . sukee ~
GOODBYE CELCOM BROADBAND . WELCOME P1 W1MAX ^_______^lepas ni , wifi tu jadi hak milik EP and broadband yang sekali set dengan wifi tu jadi hak milik akak EP . mak EP nak potong jugak yang Celcom Broadband akak EP tu . ye lah , buat ape nak tanggung bil banyak banyak kan ? baik tanggung bil wifi ni je cukup . :)
gambar dua hari lepas . kaum india sibuk maen mercun , EP sibuk photoshoot tengah malam :) but the way . SAYA SUKA AWAK AS ABANG :) |
When we being love with someone that we want, it feel like this world is yours. But when we lose on it, we lose the world, heart and everything.Its just like me. Im tired to being hurt. Im not a doll. I've a feeling eventhough I never show it. I only show my love in front of you. Not in front of our friend. You never understand me. You want me understand you and show my love for you. Im sorry, Im not type of that girl. Im a shy girl who want show her love in front her beloved one. Im glad that I'd love you and I'd have you before. I hope you'll never come back in my life.Im a sixteen years old girl who want a happiness and someone who can love me perfectly. But I didn't found it. My life now I feel very lonely, lifeless, full of sadness and too many fake in my life. Why? I've been hurting before. Until now I feel its too hurt. I have crush on someone but I don't feel the love. Where's my love go? After being hurting, Im just too lazy to love someone even he try to take my heart. Im afraid that I'll lose someone who I love. Yeah, Im very afraid about it. So, being single is the best way for me.