Rules:You must post these rules.Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post. And create eleven new questions for the people you tagged to answer.You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them to the post.Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her.No tag backs.No stuff in the tagging section about 'You are tagged if you are reading this' you legitimately (a.k.a really, trust, with all honesty) have to tag 11 people
11 things about Ehan :
- name . Farehan Binti Hassamuddin
- love facebooking , love stalker , love blogging (agaga)
- love chocolate Blackforest <3
- obses with senior form 5 (crazy)
- love lady gaga
- suke menyanyi tengah tengah malam
- seorang yang terlalu hyper dekat sekolah
- suke duduk dekat tempat sejuk
- love to be crazy with friend :D
- suke menghadap laptop lebih daripada 4 jam
- suke berangan sebelom tido
Ardini Nurain Question :
- Nickname?
-Rambut panjang ke pendek ke botak?
- 616. Channel apa ni?
- Lebihkan makan ke tido?
- Chocolate or Vanilla?
- What type of person are you?
- Makan ayam tak?
- Milo or Vico?
- Friends or family?
- Fave color
- Pernah kentut? =.=
Answer :
-Ehan Pean . just call EPD
-Cartoon Network
-Dua dua tak lebih
-Chocolate .
-Friendly , Childish , Hyper =="
- Makan , tapi tak suke sangat
-Dua dua
-Biru , Ungu , Hitam
-Manusia mane pulak tak pernah kentut ? =='
My Question :Tagged :
are you like chocolate ?
did you have a boyfriend / girlfriend ?
wifi or broadband ?
cadbury or vocelle ?
holiday or school ?
beach or park ?
laptop or computer ?
when your birthday ?
like chatting or wall to wall at facebook ?
like eating or drinking ?
are you like me ? *honestly
When we being love with someone that we want, it feel like this world is yours. But when we lose on it, we lose the world, heart and everything.Its just like me. Im tired to being hurt. Im not a doll. I've a feeling eventhough I never show it. I only show my love in front of you. Not in front of our friend. You never understand me. You want me understand you and show my love for you. Im sorry, Im not type of that girl. Im a shy girl who want show her love in front her beloved one. Im glad that I'd love you and I'd have you before. I hope you'll never come back in my life.Im a sixteen years old girl who want a happiness and someone who can love me perfectly. But I didn't found it. My life now I feel very lonely, lifeless, full of sadness and too many fake in my life. Why? I've been hurting before. Until now I feel its too hurt. I have crush on someone but I don't feel the love. Where's my love go? After being hurting, Im just too lazy to love someone even he try to take my heart. Im afraid that I'll lose someone who I love. Yeah, Im very afraid about it. So, being single is the best way for me.